Retro Paranormal Investigator
This intrepid explorer has built himself a suit to protect him from all kinds of supernatural anomalies, from ectoplasm to airborne vampirism.
I already had most of this costume, I just needed to build the helmet. It’s a 5 gallon bucket with thin EVA foam to build out the lower section. The backpack is just an old vacuum.
Crypt Guardian
When a Palace Guard fails in their duty, the law calls for their execution, but letting such talent, as well as years of training, die would be a waste. Instead they are ceremonially executed, all records of them are destroyed, and their individuality is erased by locking them inside a steel mask. Finally, they are sent to the crypts underneath the city, now forced to guard the dead instead of the living.
This Dark Souls inspired costume uses mostly EVA foam for the armor, but the mask is 3D printed. It’s actually 3D scan of my face that I turned into a mask. The wax on the head and face is hot glue. The weapon itself is mostly wood, but I’m working on a EVA foam version for conventions.
The Night Watch
When war arrived at a small village the citizens, who could not defend themselves, turned to Old Traditions. A sacrifice was chosen, their soul would inhabit a scarecrow, one that would never sleep, and keep constant vigil, protecting the village with strange magic. However, unbeknownst to the villagers, they performed the ritual over a long forgotten mass grave. Instead of a single soul entering the scarecrow, a dozen were forced to share a body. Incensed at their new form, but bound to protect village, the Night Watch, as it’s come to be known, acts as both Guardian and Warden, no-one enters the village, and no-one leaves.
This costume uses a pair of fake legs that are moved by my arms underneath the cloak, giving the illusion that the creature moves with four legs.